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countryside etc

  • 1 rape

    1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) violación
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) violación

    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) violar
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) violar

    Del verbo rapar: ( conjugate rapar) \ \
    rapé es: \ \
    1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo

    rape es: \ \
    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo
    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
    Multiple Entries: rapar     rape     rapé
    rapar ( conjugate rapar) verbo transitivo cabeza to shave; ‹ pelo to crop
    rape sustantivo masculino
    a) (Coc, Zool) monkfish, goosefish (AmE)
    al rape: tiene el pelo cortado al rape he has closely-cropped hair

    rapar verbo transitivo to shave
    rapar el pelo, to crop o cut sb's hair very short
    rape m (pez) monkfish Locuciones: al rape, close-cropped ' rape' also found in these entries: Spanish: aceite - atropellar - colza - estupro - forzar - violar - violación - violentar - pelado - pelar English: angler fish - outrage - rape - crew - date - snuff
    1 violación nombre femenino
    1 violar
    rape ['reɪp] vt, raped ; raping : violar
    rape n
    1) : colza f (planta)
    2) : violación f (de una persona)
    estupro s.m.
    naba s.f.
    rapto s.m.
    violación s.f.
    estuprar v.
    raptar v.
    violar v.

    I reɪp
    a) u c ( sexual violation) violación f; ( of a minor) estupro m
    b) u (of the countryside, of the earth) (liter) expoliación f (liter)
    2) u ( plant) colza f

    transitive verb \<\<person\>\> violar; \<\<countryside\>\> (liter) expoliar (liter)

    I [reɪp]
    1. N
    1) [of woman, man] violación f ; [of minor] estupro m frm

    attempted rapeintento m de violación

    2) (fig) destrucción f
    VT [+ man, woman] violar; [+ minor] estuprar frm

    rape alarm Nalarma f personal

    rape crisis centre Ncentro m de ayuda a las víctimas de violaciones

    II [reɪp]
    N (Bot) colza f

    rape oil N= rapeseed oil

    * * *

    I [reɪp]
    a) u c ( sexual violation) violación f; ( of a minor) estupro m
    b) u (of the countryside, of the earth) (liter) expoliación f (liter)
    2) u ( plant) colza f

    transitive verb \<\<person\>\> violar; \<\<countryside\>\> (liter) expoliar (liter)

    English-spanish dictionary > rape

  • 2 rape

    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) voldtægt
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) rovdrift
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) voldtage
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) drive rovdrift
    * * *
    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) voldtægt
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) rovdrift
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) voldtage
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) drive rovdrift

    English-Danish dictionary > rape

  • 3 rape

    I 1. noun
    Vergewaltigung, die (auch fig.); Notzucht, die (Rechtsspr.)
    2. transitive verb
    vergewaltigen; notzüchtigen (Rechtsspr.)
    II noun
    (Bot., Agric.) Raps, der
    * * *
    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) die Vergewaltigung
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) der Raub
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) vergewaltigen
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) rauben
    - academic.ru/60271/rapist">rapist
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (sexual assault) Vergewaltigung f
    to commit \rape eine Vergewaltigung begehen
    2. no pl ( fig: destruction) Zerstörung f
    the \rape of the countryside die Verschandelung der Landschaft
    3. no pl ( liter poet: kidnapping) Raub m, Entführung f
    II. n modifier (victim) Vergewaltigungs-
    \rape case Vergewaltigung f
    \rape charge Anklage wegen Vergewaltigung
    III. vt
    to \rape sb jdn vergewaltigen
    IV. vi eine Vergewaltigung begehen
    n no pl BOT, AGR Raps m
    oilseed \rape Raps[öl]pflanze f
    * * *
    I [reɪp]
    1. n
    Vergewaltigung f, Notzucht f (JUR)

    rape crisis centreBeratungszentrum nt (für Frauen, die Opfer einer Vergewaltigung geworden sind)

    2. vt
    vergewaltigen, notzüchtigen (JUR) II
    (= plant) Raps m III
    (= grape pulp) Trester pl
    * * *
    rape1 [reıp]
    A s
    1. Vergewaltigung f (auch fig), JUR Notzucht f:
    statutory rape JUR US Geschlechtsverkehr mit einem Mädchen, das noch nicht im einwilligungsfähigen Alter (in der Regel noch nicht 18) ist
    2. obs oder poet Entführung f, Raub m:
    the rape of the Sabine women der Raub der Sabinerinnen
    B v/t
    1. vergewaltigen, JUR notzüchtigen
    2. obs oder poet entführen, rauben
    3. obs eine Stadt etc plündern
    rape2 [reıp] s BOT Raps m
    rape3 [reıp] s oft pl Trester pl, Treber pl
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    Vergewaltigung, die (auch fig.); Notzucht, die (Rechtsspr.)
    2. transitive verb
    vergewaltigen; notzüchtigen (Rechtsspr.)
    II noun
    (Bot., Agric.) Raps, der
    * * *
    (agriculture) n.
    Raps nur sing. m. n.
    Raub nur sing. m.
    Schändung f.
    Vergewaltigung f. v.
    schänden v.
    vergewaltigen v.

    English-german dictionary > rape

  • 4 rape

    I 1. [reɪp]
    nome dir. stupro m., violenza f. carnale
    modificatore dir. [case, charge] di stupro; [ victim] di violenza carnale
    II [reɪp]
    verbo transitivo violentare, stuprare
    III [reɪp]
    nome agr. bot. colza f.
    * * *
    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) stupro
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) violazione
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) violentare
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) violare
    * * *
    rape (1) /reɪp/
    n. [uc]
    1 (leg.) stupro; violenza carnale: ( USA) statutory rape, abuso sessuale su minore
    2 (poet.) rapimento; ratto: (stor. romana) the rape of the Sabine women, il ratto delle Sabine
    3 (fig.) scempio: the rape of the countryside, lo scempio delle campagne
    FALSI AMICI: rape non significa rapa. rape (2) /reɪp/
    n. (bot.)
    rape cake, panello di ravizzone □ rape oil, olio di colza □ (bot.) wild rape ( Raphanus raphanistrum), ravanello.
    rape (3) /reɪp/
    1 [u] vinaccia
    2 recipiente per fare l'aceto.
    ♦ (to) rape /reɪp/
    v. t.
    1 stuprare; violentare NOTA D'USO: - violentare-
    2 (arc., poet.) rapire
    3 fare scempio di (qc.): Man has raped the planet and is paying the price, gli uomini hanno fatto scempio del pianeta e ne pagano il prezzo
    FALSI AMICI: nell'inglese attuale to rape non significa rapire raper (spec. USA)
    * * *
    I 1. [reɪp]
    nome dir. stupro m., violenza f. carnale
    modificatore dir. [case, charge] di stupro; [ victim] di violenza carnale
    II [reɪp]
    verbo transitivo violentare, stuprare
    III [reɪp]
    nome agr. bot. colza f.

    English-Italian dictionary > rape

  • 5 stretch

    1. transitive verb
    1) (lengthen, extend) strecken [Arm, Hand]; recken [Hals]; dehnen [Gummiband]; (spread) ausbreiten [Decke]; (tighten) spannen

    he lay stretched out on the grounder lag ausgestreckt auf dem Boden

    stretch one's legs(by walking) sich (Dat.) die Beine vertreten

    2) (widen) dehnen

    stretch [out of shape] — ausweiten [Schuhe, Jacke]

    3) (fig.): (make the most of) ausschöpfen [Reserve]; fordern [Person, Begabung]
    4) (fig.): (extend beyond proper limit) überschreiten [Befugnis, Grenzen des Anstands]; strapazieren (ugs.) [Geduld]; es nicht so genau nehmen mit [Gesetz, Bestimmung, Begriff, Grundsätzen]

    stretch the truth[Aussage:] nicht ganz der Wahrheit entsprechen

    stretch it/things — den Bogen überspannen

    2. intransitive verb
    1) (extend in length) sich dehnen; [Person, Tier:] sich strecken
    2) (have specified length) sich ausdehnen

    stretch to something(be sufficient for) für etwas reichen

    could you stretch to £10? — hast du vielleicht sogar 10 Pfund?

    3. reflexive verb 4. noun

    at a stretch(fig.) wenn es sein muss (see also academic.ru/18217/d">d)

    3) (expanse, length) Abschnitt, der

    a stretch of road/open country — ein Stück Straße/freies Gelände

    4) (period)

    a four-hour stretch — eine [Zeit]spanne von vier Stunden

    5. adjective
    dehnbar; Stretch[hose, -gewebe]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [stre ] 1. verb
    1) (to make or become longer or wider especially by pulling or by being pulled: She stretched the piece of elastic to its fullest extent; His scarf was so long that it could stretch right across the room; This material stretches; The dog yawned and stretched (itself); He stretched (his arm/hand) up as far as he could, but still could not reach the shelf; Ask someone to pass you the jam instead of stretching across the table for it.) (sich) strecken
    2) ((of land etc) to extend: The plain stretched ahead of them for miles.) sich erstrecken
    2. noun
    1) (an act of stretching or state of being stretched: He got out of bed and had a good stretch.) das Strecken
    2) (a continuous extent, of eg a type of country, or of time: a pretty stretch of country; a stretch of bad road; a stretch of twenty years.) die Strecke, die Spanne
    - stretcher
    - stretchy
    - at a stretch
    - be at full stretch
    - stretch one's legs
    - stretch out
    * * *
    I. n
    <pl -es>
    1. no pl (elasticity) Dehnbarkeit f; of fabric Elastizität f
    2. (muscle extension) Dehnungsübungen pl, Strecken nt kein pl; (gymnastic exercise) Stretching nt kein pl; (extension of muscles) Dehnung f
    to have a \stretch sich akk [recken und] strecken
    3. (an extended area) Stück nt; (section of road) Streckenabschnitt m, Wegstrecke f
    traffic is at a standstill along a five-mile \stretch of the M11 auf der M11 gibt es einen fünf Meilen langen Stau
    \stretch of coast Küstenabschnitt m
    \stretch of land Stück nt Land
    \stretch of railway Bahnstrecke f
    \stretch of road Strecke f
    vast \stretches of wasteland ausgedehnte Flächen Ödland
    \stretch of water Wasserfläche f
    4. SPORT (stage of a race) Abschnitt m
    to enter the final \stretch in die Zielgerade einlaufen
    the home \stretch die Zielgerade
    the last \stretch of an election campaign ( fig) die [letzte] heiße Phase eines Wahlkampfs
    5. AM (straight part of a race track) Gerade f
    6. (period of time) Zeitraum m, Zeitspanne f; (time in jail) Knastzeit f fam
    short \stretches kurze Zeitabschnitte
    at a \stretch am Stück, ohne Unterbrechung
    there's no way I could work for ten hours at a \stretch ich könnte nie zehn Stunden am Stück arbeiten
    to do a \stretch eine Haftstrafe absitzen fam
    7. (exertion) Bemühung f, Einsatz m
    by every \stretch of the imagination unter Aufbietung aller Fantasie
    not by any [or by no] \stretch beim besten Willen nicht, nie im Leben fam
    by no \stretch of the imagination could he be seriously described as an artist man konnte ihn beim besten Willen nicht als Künstler bezeichnen
    at full \stretch mit Volldampf [o voller Kraft] fam
    to work at full \stretch auf Hochtouren arbeiten
    down the \stretch AM kurz vor Ablauf der Zeit
    II. adj attr, inv Stretch-
    \stretch nylon stockings elastische Nylonstrümpfe
    III. vi
    1. (become longer, wider) rubber, elastic sich akk dehnen; clothes weiter werden
    my T-shirt's \stretched in the wash mein T-Shirt ist beim Waschen völlig ausgeleiert
    2. (extend the muscles) Dehnungsübungen machen, sich akk recken [und strecken]
    3. (take time) sich akk hinziehen
    the restoration work could \stretch from months into years die Renovierungsarbeiten könnten sich statt über Monate sogar noch über Jahre hinziehen
    the dispute \stretches back over many years diese Streitereien dauern nun schon viele Jahre
    this ancient tradition \stretches back hundreds of years diese alte Tradition reicht Hunderte von Jahren zurück
    4. (cover an area) sich akk erstrecken
    the refugee camps \stretch as far as the eye can see soweit das Auge reicht sieht man Flüchtlingslager
    the mountains \stretch the entire length of the country die Berge ziehen sich über die gesamte Länge des Landes hin
    IV. vt
    to \stretch sth etw [aus]dehnen [o strecken]; (extend by pulling) etw dehnen; (tighten) etw straff ziehen [o straffen]
    that elastic band will snap if you \stretch it too far dieses Gummi[band] wird reißen, wenn du es überdehnst
    they \stretched a rope across the river sie spannten ein Seil über den Fluss
    to \stretch one's legs sich dat die Beine vertreten
    2. (increase number of portions)
    to \stretch sth etw strecken; sauce, soup etw verlängern
    3. (demand a lot of)
    to \stretch sb/sth jdn/etw bis zum Äußersten fordern
    we're already fully \stretched wir sind schon voll ausgelastet
    my job doesn't \stretch me as much as I'd like mein Beruf fordert mich nicht so, wie ich es mir wünschen würde
    to \stretch sb's budget jds Budget strapazieren
    to \stretch sb's patience jds Geduld auf eine harte Probe stellen [o geh strapazieren]
    to \stretch sth to breaking point etw bis zum Äußersten belasten
    many families' budgets are already \stretched to breaking point viele Familien kommen mit dem Haushaltsgeld kaum noch über die Runden
    4. SPORT (to improve)
    to \stretch one's lead seinen Vorsprung ausbauen; football, rugby mit noch mehr Toren in Führung gehen
    to \stretch sth über etw akk hinausgehen
    that is \stretching the definition of negotiation das hat mit dem, was man unter einer Verhandlung versteht, nichts mehr zu tun
    to \stretch a point [or the rules] ausnahmsweise ein Auge zudrücken fam
    to \stretch a point (exaggerate) übertreiben
    to \stretch it a bit [or the truth] ein wenig zu weit gehen, übertreiben
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= act of stretching) Strecken nt, Dehnen nt

    to have a stretch — sich strecken or dehnen; (person also) sich recken

    to be at full stretch ( lit : material ) — bis zum Äußersten gedehnt sein; ( fig, person ) mit aller Kraft arbeiten; (factory etc) auf Hochtouren arbeiten (inf); (engine, production, work) auf Hochtouren laufen

    2) (= elasticity) Elastizität f, Dehnbarkeit f

    a fabric with plenty of stretchein stark dehnbares or sehr elastisches Material

    3) (= expanse of road etc) Strecke f, Stück nt; (on racecourse) Gerade f; (of wood, river, countryside etc) Stück nt; (of journey) Abschnitt m, Teil m

    that stretch of water is called... — dieser Gewässerlauf heißt...

    4) (= stretch of time) Zeit f, Zeitraum m, Zeitspanne f

    for a long stretch of time — für (eine) lange Zeit, lange Zeit

    to do a stretch ( inf, in prison )im Knast sein (inf)

    2. adj attr
    dehnbar, elastisch
    3. vt
    1) (= extend, lengthen) strecken; (= widen) jumper, gloves also, elastic, shoes dehnen; (= spread) wings, blanket etc ausbreiten; (= tighten) rope, canvas spannen

    a curtain was stretched across the room —

    to stretch sth tight — etw straffen, etw straff ziehen; cover etw stramm ziehen

    2) (= make go further) meal, money strecken; (= use fully) resources voll (aus)nutzen; credit voll beanspruchen; athlete, student etc fordern; one's abilities bis zum Äußersten fordern

    to stretch one's imaginationseine Fantasie anstrengen

    to stretch sb/sth to the limit(s) — jdn/etw bis zum äußersten belasten

    3) (= strain) meaning, word äußerst weit fassen; truth, law, rules es nicht so genau nehmen mit

    this clause/law could be stretched to allow... — diese Klausel/dieses Gesetz könnte so weit gedehnt werden, dass sie/es... zulässt

    to stretch a point — ein Auge zudrücken, großzügig sein

    that's stretching it too far/a bit (far) — das geht zu weit/fast zu weit

    4. vi
    (after sleep etc) sich strecken; (= be elastic) sich dehnen, dehnbar sein; (= extend time, area, authority, influence) sich erstrecken (to bis, over über +acc = be enough food, money, material) reichen (to für); (= become looser) weiter werden; (= become longer) länger werden

    to stretch to reach sth — sich recken, um etw zu erreichen

    a life of misery stretched (out) before her — vor ihr breitete sich ein Leben voll Kummer und Leid aus

    5. vr
    1) (after sleep etc) sich strecken
    2) (= strain oneself) sich verausgaben
    * * *
    stretch [stretʃ]
    A v/t
    1. oft stretch out (aus-)strecken, bes den Kopf od Hals recken:
    stretch o.s. (out) B 1; leg Bes Redew, wing A 1
    2. jemanden niederstrecken
    3. sl jemanden (auf)hängen
    4. stretch out die Hand etc aus-, hinstrecken
    5. ein Tuch, Seil, eine Saite etc spannen ( over über dat oder akk), straff ziehen, einen Teppich etc ausbreiten:
    a) er wurde richtig oder voll gefordert ( auch SPORT),
    b) er war voll ausgelastet
    6. strecken, (Hand)Schuhe etc (aus)weiten, besonders Hosen spannen, SPORT die Führung etc ausdehnen (to auf akk), SPORT die Verteidigung auseinanderziehen
    7. PHYS, TECH spannen, dehnen, (st)recken
    8. die Nerven, Muskeln anspannen
    9. aus-, überdehnen, ausbeulen
    10. fig überspannen, -treiben
    11. fig es mit der Wahrheit, einer Vorschrift etc nicht allzu genau nehmen, Regeln etc großzügig auslegen:
    stretch the imagination ziemlich unglaubwürdig sein;
    a) ein wenig zu weit gehen,
    b) es nicht allzu genau nehmen, ein Auge zudrücken umg;
    stretch a word, etc einen Begriff dehnen, einem Wort etc eine weite Auslegung geben
    12. überbeanspruchen, seine Befugnisse, einen Kredit etc überschreiten
    13. auch stretch out einen Vorrat etc strecken
    B v/i
    1. oft stretch out sich (aus)strecken, sich dehnen oder rekeln
    2. stretch for langen nach
    3. sich erstrecken, sich hinziehen (to [bis] zu) (Gebirge etc, auch Zeit):
    stretch down to fig zurückreichen oder -gehen (bis) zu oder in (akk) (Zeitalter, Erinnerung etc)
    4. a) sich dehnen (lassen)
    b) länger oder weiter werden
    a) ausschreiten,
    b) SPORT im gestreckten Galopp reiten,
    c) SPORT sich auseinanderziehen (Feld)
    6. umg sich ins Zeug legen
    7. sl baumeln, hängen
    8. auch stretch out reichen (Vorrat etc)
    C s
    1. Dehnen n, Strecken n, Rekeln n:
    give o.s. a stretch, have a stretch B 1
    2. Strecken n, (Aus)Dehnen n, (-)Weiten n
    3. Spannen n
    4. Anspannung f, (Über)Anstrengung f:
    by any stretch of the English language bei großzügiger Auslegung der englischen Sprache;
    by every stretch of the imagination unter Aufbietung aller Fantasie;
    by no stretch of the imagination … es ist völlig unvorstellbar, dass …;
    on ( oder at) the stretch angespannt, angestrengt;
    at full stretch mit aller Kraft
    5. fig Überspannen n, -treiben n
    6. Überschreiten n (von Befugnissen etc)
    7. (Weg)Strecke f, Fläche f, Ausdehnung f
    8. SPORT (Ziel- etc) Gerade f
    9. have a stretch sich die Beine vertreten
    10. Zeit(raum) f(m), -spanne f:
    8 hours at a stretch 8 Stunden hintereinander;
    for long stretches of the game SPORT über weite Strecken des Spiels
    11. do a stretch sl Knast schieben
    D adj dehnbar, Stretch…:
    stretch cover Spannbezug m;
    stretch nylon Stretchnylon n
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (lengthen, extend) strecken [Arm, Hand]; recken [Hals]; dehnen [Gummiband]; (spread) ausbreiten [Decke]; (tighten) spannen

    stretch one's legs (by walking) sich (Dat.) die Beine vertreten

    2) (widen) dehnen

    stretch [out of shape] — ausweiten [Schuhe, Jacke]

    3) (fig.): (make the most of) ausschöpfen [Reserve]; fordern [Person, Begabung]
    4) (fig.): (extend beyond proper limit) überschreiten [Befugnis, Grenzen des Anstands]; strapazieren (ugs.) [Geduld]; es nicht so genau nehmen mit [Gesetz, Bestimmung, Begriff, Grundsätzen]

    stretch the truth[Aussage:] nicht ganz der Wahrheit entsprechen

    stretch it/things — den Bogen überspannen

    2. intransitive verb
    1) (extend in length) sich dehnen; [Person, Tier:] sich strecken
    2) (have specified length) sich ausdehnen

    could you stretch to £10? — hast du vielleicht sogar 10 Pfund?

    3. reflexive verb 4. noun
    1) (lengthening, drawing out)

    at a stretch(fig.) wenn es sein muss (see also d)

    3) (expanse, length) Abschnitt, der

    a stretch of road/open country — ein Stück Straße/freies Gelände

    a four-hour stretch — eine [Zeit]spanne von vier Stunden

    5. adjective
    dehnbar; Stretch[hose, -gewebe]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Ausdehnung f.
    Strecke -n f. v.
    aufspannen v.
    ausstrecken v.
    ausweiten v.
    dehnen v.
    sich erstrecken v.
    sich weiten v.
    spannen v.
    strecken v.
    weiten v.

    English-german dictionary > stretch

  • 6 rauben

    vt/i (Geld etc.) steal; (Kind) kidnap; Fuchs etc.: (Hühner etc.) make off with; jemandem etw. rauben steal s.th. from s.o.; auch fig. rob s.o. of s.th.; rauben und plündern rob and loot; jemandem den Atem rauben take s.o.’s breath away; jemandem den Schlaf etc. rauben rob ( oder deprive) s.o. of his ( oder her) sleep etc.; es raubt mir zu viel Zeit it takes up too much of my time
    * * *
    to steal; to rob
    * * *
    rau|ben ['raubn]
    1. vt
    1) (= wegnehmen) to steal

    jdm etw ráúben — to rob sb of sth

    2) (= entführen) to abduct, to carry off
    3) (fig)

    jdm etw ráúben — to rob sb of sth

    das hat uns viel Zeit geraubtit cost us a lot of time

    jdm einen Kuss ráúben — to steal a kiss from sb

    jdm den Schlaf/den Verstand ráúben — to rob sb of his/her sleep/reason

    jdm den Atem ráúben — to take sb's breath away

    jdm die Unschuld ráúben (obs, iro)to take sb's virginity

    2. vi
    to rob, to plunder, to pillage
    * * *
    1) (to steal (something) from a vehicle: Thieves hijacked $20,000 worth of whisky from a lorry.) hijack
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) rape
    3) (to steal: The document had been rifled.) rifle
    * * *
    I. vt
    1. (stehlen)
    [jdm] etw \rauben to rob [sb of] sth, to steal sth [from sb]
    sie raubten ihm das Radio aus dem Auto they robbed him of [or stole] his radio from his car
    jdn \rauben to abduct [or kidnap] sb
    jdm etw \rauben to deprive sb of sth
    das hat mir viel Zeit geraubt this has cost me a lot of time; s.a. Nerv
    II. vi to rob, to plunder
    * * *
    transitives Verb steal; kidnap < person>

    jemandem etwas rauben — rob somebody of something; (geh.): (wegnehmen) deprive somebody of something

    jemandem den Atem/die Sprache rauben — take somebody's breath away/render somebody speechless

    intransitives Verb rob; (plündern) plunder
    * * *
    rauben v/t & v/i (Geld etc) steal; (Kind) kidnap; Fuchs etc: (Hühner etc) make off with;
    jemandem etwas rauben steal sth from sb; auch fig rob sb of sth;
    rauben und plündern rob and loot;
    jemandem den Atem rauben take sb’s breath away;
    rauben rob ( oder deprive) sb of his ( oder her) sleep etc;
    es raubt mir zu viel Zeit it takes up too much of my time
    * * *
    transitives Verb steal; kidnap < person>

    jemandem etwas rauben — rob somebody of something; (geh.): (wegnehmen) deprive somebody of something

    jemandem den Atem/die Sprache rauben — take somebody's breath away/render somebody speechless

    intransitives Verb rob; (plündern) plunder
    * * *
    to rob v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > rauben

  • 7 stir

    1. I
    1) the sleeper began to stir спящий пошевелился; if you stir I shall shoot если ты двинешься с места, буду стрелять; not a leaf stirred ни один листок не шелохнулся; there was no breath of air stirring в воздухе не было ни ветерка
    2) not a soul (not a mouse) was stir ring все спали, ни одна живая душа не бодрствовала
    2. II
    2) stir somewhere stir out (abroad) выходить на улицу (из дома); he doesn't stir out on a wet day он не выходит в дождливые дни; here I am not able to stir outside и вот я сижу здесь и не могу даже высунуть носа наружу
    3. III
    1) stir smth. stir soup (one's tea, a pudding, a cup of coffee, porridge, a fire, etc.) мешать/помешивать, размешивать/ суп и т.д.; stir the cereal so it won't stick to the pot помешайте кашу, чтоб она не пристала к кастрюле /не пригорела/; stir a mixture (a liquid, a bottle, etc.) взбалтывать смесь и т.д.; the wind stirred the leaves ветер шелестел листвой; the wind stirred the waters от ветра на воде пошла рябь; not a breath stirs the lake гладь озера неподвижна; stir a foot (пошевелить ногой
    2) stir smb. stir the audience (the listeners, the pupils, etc.) вызвать волнение у зрителей и т.д., тронуть /взволновать/ зрителей и т.д.; stir smth. stir the senses (smb.'s blood, the soul, etc.) волновать /будоражить/ чувства и т.д.; stir smb.'s interest (smb.'s anger, smb.'s wrath, smb.'s resentment, smb.'s curiousity, smb.'s passions, etc.) возбуждать /вызывать/ у кого-л. интерес и т.д.
    4. IV
    1) stir smth. in some manner stir smth. vigorously (quickly, fast, hastily, thoroughly, furiously, energetically, round and round, etc.) энергично и т.д. помешивать /размешивать/ что-л.
    2) stir smb. in some manner stir smb. profoundly (emotionally, spiritually, frantically, incessantly, ceaselessly, etc.) глубоко и т.д. волновать /будоражить/ кого-л.
    5. VII
    stir smth. to do smth. he won't stir a finger /hand or foot/ to help us он и пальцем не пошевельнет, чтоб помочь нам
    6. XI
    be stirred by smth. he was deeply stirred by the news его глубоко взволновала эта новость; the audience was deeply stirred by his speech его речь глубоко тронула всех присутствующих; be stirred into smth. he was stirred into passionate anger ere довели до белого каления
    7. XVI
    1) stir from (out of, etc.) some place usually in the negative (not) to stir from the place /from the spot/ (не) двинуться с места; after that set of tennis, I couldn't even stir from the chair после этой партии в теннис я не мог даже подняться со стула; he settled in Brighton and never stirred from it он поселился в Брайтоне и никогда оттуда не выезжал; don't stir from here никуда отсюда не уходи; she never stirs out of the house она никогда не выходит из дому; something stirred in the wood что-то зашевелилось в лесу, в лесу появилось какое-то движение; stir for some time don't stir for a moment не шевелись /не двигайся/ минутку
    2) stir in smth. it was early and no one was stirring in the house было рано, и в доме еще спали; she stirred in her sleep она пошевелилась во сне; stir with smth. the city (the town, the countryside, etc.) was stirring with new life город и т.д. просыпался к новой жизни; новые веяния всколыхнули город и т.д.; his heart stirred with shame and anger его душу охватил стыд и гнев
    3) stir in smth. pity stirred in his heart у него в душе шевельнулась жалость; odd sensations stirred in him в нем заговорили странные чувства
    8. XVIII
    stir oneself you'd better stir yourself а) давай, пошевеливайся; б) тебе надо встряхнуться
    9. XXI1
    1) stir smth. with smth. stir one's tea (one's coffee, soup, the porridge, etc.) with a spoon мешать /размешивать/ чай и т.д. ложкой; stir the fire with a poker помешивать огонь кочергой; stir smth. into smth. stir the cream into the soup влить сливки в суп и размешать; stir sugar into my tea положить сахар мне в чай и размешать
    2) stir smb. to smth. stir the people to revolt (the soldiers to action, the students to renewed efforts, etc.) поднять народ на восстание и т.д.; stir smb. to pity вызвать у кого-л. жалость; stir smb. from smth. we could not stir him from his resolve мы не могли заставить его изменить свое решение

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > stir

  • 8 rush

    1. I
    there is plenty of time; we needn't rush еще есть много времени, нам не надо торопиться
    2. II
    rush in some manner motor cars, buses and trucks rushing incessantly in the roadway make the crossing difficult and even perilous из-за непрерывно мчащихся по дороге автомобилей, автобусов и грузовиков переходить улицу трудно и даже опасно; rush at some time I must rush now coll. мне надо теперь бежать; rush somewhere the soldiers rushed forward солдаты устремились /бросились/ вперед; the river rushes past река стремительно несется мимо; firemen rushed into the burning house to save the child пожарные кинулись в горящий дом, чтобы спасти ребенка; we rushed along мы помчались /бросились, устремились/ вперед; he rushed past он промчался мимо; rush back броситься назад; he rushed downstairs он быстро сбежал с лестницы: avalanches rushed down сорвались и понеслись /помчались/ вниз лавины
    3. III
    1) rush smth. rush the gates [стремительным броском] прорваться через /сквозь/ ворота; rush a fence быстро /стремительно/ перепрыгнуть /перескочить/ через забор /изгородь/; the audience rushed the platform публика хлынула /ринулась/ на эстраду; rush the enemy's trenches взять стремительным натиском вражеские траншеи
    2) rush smth. rush one's work срочно /быстро/ делать [свою] работу; rush a message срочно /незамедлительно/ отправить сообщение /донесение, письмо и т.п./; rush an order a) срочно выполнить заказ; б) срочно отправить заказанный товар; rush smb. I don't want to rush you я не хочу вас торопить
    4. IV
    rushsmb. in some manner rush smb. deliberately (impetuously, violently, etc.) намеренно и т.д. торопить кого-л.
    5. XI
    1) be rushed somewhere fresh troops were rushed [up] to the front на фронт были срочно брошены свежие силы; doctors and medical supplies were rushed to the place of the accident к месту происшествия были срочно направлены врачи и медикаменты
    2) be rushed refuse to be rushed отказываться делать что-л. второпях /наспех/; I hate being rushed я очень не люблю, когда меня подгоняют /торопят/; be rushed in some manner I was rushed off my feet я сбился с ног; I'm very rushed меня очень торопят; be rushed to some place I was rushed to hospital меня срочно увезли в больницу; be rushed into doing smth. I was rushed into buying these fur boots я второпях /не подумав/ купила эти меховые сапоги; the girl was rushed into marrying him девушка, не подумав, выскочила за него замуж
    6. XIII 7. XVI
    1) rush (in)to (out of, down, through, etc.) smth. they rushed into the room они ворвались в комнату; they rushed out of the room они стремглав выбежали из комнаты; rush into each other's arms броситься друг другу в объятия; the people rushed down the street люди помчались по улице; he came rushing down the stairs он бегом спустился вниз по лестнице, он стремглав сбежал с лестницы; rush to smb.'s assistance (to the scene, to battle, etc.) броситься /помчаться/ кому-л. на помощь и т.д.; rush through France объехать галопом всю Францию; rush through one's supper молниеносно поужинать; don't rush through your work не делайте работу в спешке; a thousand conflicting thoughts rushed through his mind в голове у него пронеслись тысячи противоречивых мыслей; the blood rushed to his face кровь бросилась ему в лицо; words rushed to his lips поток слов вырвался из его уст или слова так и посыпались из его уст; rush for smth. rush for a seat броситься /устремиться/ вперед, стремясь захватить /занять/ место; rush at (past, by, to, etc.) smb. the bull rushed at him бык бросился на него; the lion rushed at his prey лев набросился на свою жертву; he rushed back to his friends он бросился назад к друзьям; rush past smb. промчаться мимо кого-л.; the days rushed by us and our holiday was soon over дни быстро пролетели, и наш отпуск вскоре кончился
    2) rush (in)to smth. rush into an affair необдуманно заняться каким-л. делом; rush into marriage поспешно /необдуманно/ жениться /выскочить замуж/; he rushed into things without knowing anything about them он необдуманно брался за то, о чем не имел никакого представления; rush headlong into a war ввязаться в войну; rush to a conclusion сделать поспешный вывод; rush into extremes бросаться в крайности
    8. XXI1
    1) rush smb., smth. out of (through, etc.) smth. they rushed him out of the room они быстро выволокли его из комнаты; rush an injured person to the hospital быстро /спешно/ доставить пострадавшего в больницу; rush an ambulance to the scene of an accident быстро доставить карету скорой помощи на место происшествия; rush a boat through rapids быстро провести лодку через пороги; rush a bill through Parliament (through the House, etc.) поспешно провести /протащить/ законопроект через парламент и т.д.; rush smb. round the sights (round the countryside, etc.) быстро провести кого-л. по достопримечательным местам и т.д.; he rushed me through luncheon он заставил меня в спешке позавтракать
    2) rush smb. into smth. rush smb. into an undertaking вовлечь кого-л. в какое-л. предприятие [, не дав ему времени подумать]; rush a people into war вовлечь народ в войну; rush smb. into danger необдуманно навлечь опасность на кого-л.
    9. XXII
    rush smb. into doing smth. don't let anybody rush you into joining, think it over не позволяй никому [давить на себя и] требовать, чтобы ты тотчас же присоединился, прежде подумай

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > rush

  • 9 rape

    reip 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) voldtekt
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) plyndring, rasering
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) voldta
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) plyndre, rasere
    subst. \/reɪp\/
    1) voldtekt
    2) (overført, om land e.l.) brutalt overfall og okkupasjon
    3) rov, bortførelse
    4) plyndring
    5) rasering
    the Rape of the Sabines ( historisk) sabinerinne-rovet
    subst. \/reɪp\/
    ( plantearten Brassica napus var. oleiferaraps
    verb \/reɪp\/
    1) voldta
    2) plyndre, røve
    3) bortføre med vold
    4) rasere

    English-Norwegian dictionary > rape

  • 10 rape

    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) nauðgun
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) eyðilegging, (náttúru)spjöll
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) nauðga
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) valda spjöllum á

    English-Icelandic dictionary > rape

  • 11 rape

    elrablás, törköly, megerőszakolás, repce to rape: elrabol, erőszakot követ el vkin, megerőszakol
    * * *
    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) nemi erőszak
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) rombolás
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) megerőszakol
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) rombolást okoz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > rape

  • 12 rape

    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) violação
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) violação
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) violar
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) violar
    * * *
    [reip] n 1 roubo, rapto, extorsão, ato de tirar e levar à força. 2 violação, estupro, violentação. 3 pilhagem, saque. • vt 1 arrebatar, raptar. 2 violar (uma mulher), violentar, estuprar. 3 pilhar, saquear. to commit a rape cometer um estupro.
    [reip] n Bot 1 colza. 2 nabo silvestre.
    [reip] n 1 resíduos das uvas (caules e cascas) no fabrico do vinho ou vinagre. 2 vasilha, vasilhame usado na fabricação do vinagre.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rape

  • 13 rape

    n. kolza, tecâvüz, ırza tecavüz, ırzına geçme, kız kaçırma, gasp, kolza [bot.], küçük şalgam, üzüm posası
    v. kirletmek, tecâvüz etmek, ırzına geçmek, kaçırmak, gaspetmek, zorla almak
    * * *
    1. tecavüz 2. tecavüz et (v.) 3. tecavüz (n.)
    * * *
    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) ırza geçme, tecavüz
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) bozma, mahvetme
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) tecavüz etmek, ırz(ın)a geçmek
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) bozmak, mahvetmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > rape

  • 14 rape

    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) posilstvo
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) opustošenje
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) posiliti
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) opustošiti
    * * *
    I [réip]
    ugrabitev, rop, grabež; osramotitev, onečaščenje, oskrunitev, posilstvo
    rape and murder — uboj, umor s posilstvom (iz pohote);
    transitive verb poetically
    ugrabiti, s silo odvesti; (ženski) silo storiti, posiliti, onečastiti, oskruniti, zapeljati, omadeževati; (redko) (iz)ropati, opleniti (mesto); intransitive verb zakriviti posilstvo
    II [réip]
    botany (oljna) repica, oljno seme
    III [réip]
    tropinovec; (= rape wine) vino iz tropin; filter, posoda za proizvodnjo kisa
    IV [réip]
    eno od šestih okrožij v grofiji Susseɔ

    English-Slovenian dictionary > rape

  • 15 rape

    • ryöstää
    • väkisinmakaaminen
    • raiskata
    • raiskaus
    • rapsi
    • tehdä väkivaltaa
    • maata väkisin
    * * *
    reip 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) raiskaus
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) raiskaaminen
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) raiskata
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) turmella

    English-Finnish dictionary > rape

  • 16 rape

    [reɪp] 1. n
    ( crime) gwałt m; ( BOT) rzepak m
    2. vt
    * * *
    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) gwałt
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) pustoszenie
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) zgwałcić
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) pustoszyć

    English-Polish dictionary > rape

  • 17 rape

    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) izvarošana
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) izlaupīšana; izpostīšana
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) izvarot
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) izlaupīt; izpostīt
    * * *
    rapsis; izvarošana; nolaupīšana; izlaupīšana; izvarot; nolaupīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > rape

  • 18 rape

    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) išprievartavimas
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) nuniokojimas
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) išprievartauti
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) nuniokoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > rape

  • 19 rape

    n. våldtäkt
    v. våldta; röva bort
    * * *
    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) våldtäkt
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) förstörelse, skövling
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) våldta
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) förstöra, skövla

    English-Swedish dictionary > rape

  • 20 rape

    [reip] 1. noun
    1) (the crime of having sexual intercourse with a woman against her will.) znásilnění
    2) (the act of causing great damage, destruction etc to land etc.) zpustošení
    2. verb
    1) (to force (a woman) to have sexual intercourse against her will.) znásilnit
    2) (to cause great damage, destruction etc to (countryside etc).) pustošit
    * * *
    • unést
    • únos
    • znásilnit
    • znásilnění
    • řepka, též brukev

    English-Czech dictionary > rape

См. также в других словарях:

  • Countryside Commission — Countryside Com|mis|sion, the a British organization whose aim is to look after the countryside and prevent it being spoiled. It provides national parks, paths etc for people who want to enjoy the country …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • countryside — mid 15c., lit. one side of a country (a valley, a mountain range, etc.), from COUNTRY (Cf. country) + SIDE (Cf. side); hence, any tract of land having a natural unity (1727) …   Etymology dictionary

  • countryside — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ attractive (esp. BrE), beautiful, glorious (BrE), lovely, magnificent (esp. BrE), picturesque, spectacular (esp. BrE), stunning (esp. BrE), wonderful …   Collocations dictionary

  • Shing Mun Country Park — The Shing Mun Country Park (established June 24 1977) is a country park of Hong Kong, hugging the Shing Mun Reservoir.LocationLocated in the central New Territories, it covers a total of 14 km². It extends from Lead Mine Pass in the north, to the …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Vietnam — Music of Southeast Asia Brunei Cambodia …   Wikipedia

  • QSL — In radiocommunication and radio broadcasting, QSL is one of the Q codes used in radiocommunication. A Q code message can stand for a statement or a question. In this case, QSL means either do you confirm receipt of my transmission or I confirm… …   Wikipedia

  • heritage — n. 1 anything that is or may be inherited. 2 inherited circumstances, benefits, etc. (a heritage of confusion). 3 a nation s historic buildings, monuments, countryside, etc., esp. when regarded as worthy of preservation. 4 Bibl. a the ancient… …   Useful english dictionary

  • outdoor — out|door [ˌautˈdo: US ˈdo:r] adj 1.) [only before noun] existing, happening, or used outside, not inside a building ≠ ↑indoor ▪ a huge outdoor market ▪ outdoor recreational activities ▪ outdoor clothing ▪ a healthy outdoor life 2.) outdoor type… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • outdoor — adjective 1 (only before noun) existing, happening, or used outside, not inside a building: outdoor activities | outdoor clothing | a healthy outdoor life opposite indoor 2 outdoor type a person who enjoys camping, walking in the countryside etc …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • impassable — impassable, impassible Impassable means ‘that cannot be traversed’ and refers to roads, stretches of countryside, etc. Impassible means ‘incapable of feeling emotion’ or ‘incapable of suffering injury’, and is pronounced with the second syllable… …   Modern English usage

  • impassible — impassable, impassible Impassable means ‘that cannot be traversed’ and refers to roads, stretches of countryside, etc. Impassible means ‘incapable of feeling emotion’ or ‘incapable of suffering injury’, and is pronounced with the second syllable… …   Modern English usage

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